Monday, March 24, 2008

Argument about the American Dream

Step 1: I believe that the definition of American Dream is about wealth. I say this because not everyone in this country knows what the true meaning of wealth is. It could mean many different things. Such as, wealth as in money, job, style of living, fancy cars, designer brands, and the list keeps on going.

Step 2: I believe that the American Dream for wealth is possible for anyone and everyone. Being wealthy does not only mean having a lot of money. It could have multiple different meanings to it. It is possible for the people that actually try to successed in their life. The difference would be if they tried or not. The American Dream of wealth is possible for the people who try.

Step 3: When you hear the word "wealthy" what do you think about it? What comes to your mind? money, nice cars, stuck up people? If you are thinking about one of those topics, you are wrong. Being wealthy has many different meanings to it. All wealthiness does not have to do with money, nice cars, etc... Wealthy is something you have and achieve in life.

Step 4: The audience I would choose would be around the age group of 16-24, only because they do not know what being wealthy exactly means. What they would automatically think is that it would be having tons of money like a celebrity. If you look up the word wealthy in the dictionary, it would define it as someone rich, but really we all have our own opinions about it.

1 comment:

Nicole Hancock said...

It seems to me that you are trying to tell people that the American Dream of being wealthy isn't so much about the things themselves but about the ability to HAVE the things you want in the first place. It's not the Mustang; it's the fact that you can get one if you want it. If that's not what you meant, then more work needs to be done with clarifying where you are going. Either way, keep exploring the ideas.