Friday, March 28, 2008

American Dream

Kim Yen Nguyen
Professor Hancock
English 101-002
March 26, 2008

American Dream

Have you ever heard of the phrase "money can't buy you happiness but it'll brighten up your day?” Some Americans think if you are rich and have all the money in the world, you are considered the happiest person alive. Today, in many cases, this is not always true. It doesn't matter how much money you have, you should still live your life to the fullest. People try their best to live up to their dreams, and when this happens, others tend to be jealous. What is going through your mind when you think of the word “wealthy”…money, luxury cars, celebrities, the rich? If you are thinking about one of those topics, you are wrong. All wealthiness does not have to do with money, nice cars, is something you have and achieve in life. I am aware that everyone in this country does not know what the true meaning of wealth is. There could be many explanations to this definition. It does not mainly have to do with having a lot of money, it is more likely if you try or not. If you want to become wealthy, it is possible, just succeed in life.
I believe that wealthy means succeeding and being happy in life. If you have worked all of your life to become better then what you were 10 years ago, then you are consider wealthy. I know that there are some families that are very well off and have all the money anyone could ask for and still be unhappy. I sometimes think to myself why it is like this, since they have everything and I mean everything they want. We all also know that there are some famous people that are very well off and end up over dosing on drugs and killing themselves. Becoming wealthy does not come to everyone so easily, you have to work your way up to the top. There may be a situation where you can inherit it but that is very seldom. It is very possible to become wealthy; it is that you have to try until you reach the top.
I hear so many people complaining about things they cannot afford, you can, you just have not worked your way up to it yet. For example, there are many people that want a Beamer, Lexus, or Mercedes, and when they have that, they feel wealthy. It is not that they are rich; it is because they have saved their money towards that luxury. Having a nice car is not a rich thing; it is more on the lines of saving. You can always dream big about something you want and eventually have it, just work on it and do not give up.
The American Dream of wealth is possible for the people who try. If you are not going to have any confidence in yourself, there is no way you can achieve the American Dream of wealth.

1 comment:

Nicole Hancock said...

Need to work on audience a bit. It seems like this draft is written a little bit to yourself about defining wealth. Now that you have a first draft written, try to think about who it is who really needs to hear this message and then fill in gaps more with information directed specifically to that group.

I hope this helps!