Sunday, April 20, 2008

Writing is the most disciplined form of thinking. - Donald Murray

I believe that writing is the most disciplined form of thinking. This is true, well for me it is. I know that whenever people are upset they usually talk to people about their problems. But I bet you anything that there are also many people that write their problems on the computer or a note book. Writing does discipline us, it makes us explore our own thoughts and let everything out. It makes us more clam and not so angry or upset and whatever has or had happened. I know sometimes whenever I am upset; I usually talk things out with someone that is close to me, or someone I could talk to. I have never really experienced writing about things that bother me on a note book. Well I lie and take that back. Everyone has...haven't they? But the question could be turned around and asked us why does writing disciplines us while we are thinking? I guess everything we think of can't always be expressed among others. I believe it is better to express it while writing. I think we would understand it more when it is in writing because we can always look back at it. And when we do, we think to ourselves...were we going crazy or just expressing ourselves? Also the way we write and such we look back and we could sometimes be glad that we did not share this kind of information with someone else. It is almost like...whenever you want to tell someone something and you end up telling them and moments later, you think to yourself, "man I should have told so and so that". We all make this mistake and it will keep on going throughout our lives. It is just better to write about it and keep it to yourself, and if it is really bothering you, then that is when you should share your feelings and thoughts with people who understand you. How else does writing discipline our thinking? It is kind of also like a way of getting away and escaping reality. Wouldn't you think so? I think writing does discipline our thinking. So if you are ever dealing with something, think about it. Think if you really want to tell someone or you just want to write about it. This method will discipline us from our thinking and such things. Just try it…it would not hurt!

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