Thursday, January 24, 2008

Exercise 2.1

  • How do you typically go about preparing for a writing assignment? I know this is a bad habit but I usually sit in front of my computer for a good half an hour just thinking about what to write about, or depending on the topic, I may do some research or ask people's opinions.
  • When and where do your best ideas often come to you? My best ideas often come to me whenever I ask people for help or what they think of the topic. I would jot down random ideas and would put them all together on my own.
  • Where do you usually write? Are you usually alone and in a quiet place, or is there music, conversation, or other sound in the background? I usually write in a like desk atmosphere area, I do this because it helps me concentrate a lot better then sitting on the couch or floor. I am usually alone and in a quiet place while writing, I get distracted too easily by little things. There is an exception for music though, the music in the background has to be relaxing and clam, more on the lines of classical music.
  • What materials do you use? What do you find most and least helpful about your materials? I usually just use my computer, paper, pencil, resources, MLA, etc... What I find very useful is of course the computer. Sometimes I tend just to type away and it eventually makes sense and all my ideas come to me. ........

  • What audience do most assignments ask you to address? How much thought do you typically give to your audience? Most audience would ask you what the main point is, what is exactly going on, for example: who, what, where, when, and why? I try to give the audience as much relevant information as I can.
  • What strategies do you typically use to explore a topic? I collect ideas and put them all down on paper. I try to rearrange things around to make sense.
  • How do you usually write a first draft? Do you finish in one sitting, or do you prefer to work in sections? On the first draft, I have to take breaks from time to time. I usually do this when I am stuck and cannot think of anything to write about or how to word what I am thinking about. Sometimes I would take a 15 minute break and go back to the writing. I feel that when I do this, I can focus more instead of cramming everything at a time.
  • How do you typically revise, and what do you pay most attention to as you revise? If I was writing the paper with a pencil, I get an ink pen and read through the paper and make my marks where it is needed. If I am typing it on the computer, I would just read it through and correct my mistakes as I go. I pay attention to if the paper actually makes any sense. I make sure there are no run on sentences and misspelled words like if it is suppose to be effect but I typed affect.
  • If you usually get stuck writing, what do you usually do to get moving again? Honestly? I would just stare into space and think of what to write about and it usually comes back to me. I also would reread my paragraph to see if I am on the right topic.
  • What is the most effective about your writing and your writing process? I feel that I am able to write a paper if I have all the information and ideas that is needed. Also, with my writing process, I can keep on writing away.
  • What about your writing and your writing process worries you? What specific steps can you take to address these worries? What worries me the most is how to actually start writing the paper. I don't know how the introduction would sound like or if it would make any sense at all. My overcoming this, I would just write whatever and have somebody read it and tell me if it makes sense.
  • What is your favorite part of your writing process and why? My favorite part would be the conclusion paragraph. I think it is easier because you already got the hard part down, not it is just a matter of summing up the paper.

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